Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Boarding Information – You will need to fill one of these out for each pet! Please do not fill this form out until you have scheduled a boarding reservation with one of our CSRs. Name *FirstLastEmail * Boarding Drop Off Date *Is your pet a medical patient at Petsburgh? If no, please submit your pet's medical records to our email at: [email protected] *YesNo, I am sending recordsI understand that if my pet is not current on the required vaccines needed for boarding, and I did not submit proof of current vaccinations, Petsburgh will update any vaccines needed before my pet can board. *Yes, I understand Phone Number *Pet's Name and Species: (Canine, Feline, Exotic) * Boarding Pick up Date *All Dogs must be current on: Rabies, Bordetella, K9 Influenza, Distemper, Lepto and a negative fecal test with in the last year. All Cats must be current on: Rabies, FVRCP and a negative fecal test with in the last year. All Dogs must be current on: Rabies, Bordetella, Distemper, Lepto and a negative fecal test with in the last year. All Cats must be current on: Rabies, FVRCP and a negative fecal test with in the last year. Is this pet on medication? If yes, list each medication separately in the following section. All medications must be in the original prescription bottle or package with a label that includes your pet’s name, the name and strength of the medication, and the administration instructions. *Yes – If yes, list each medication, how much is given and how often below.NoList all medications given. Type the full name of the medication, how much is given and how often. List each medication separately with instructions. Please provide the date and time the medication was last given. If no medication please type N/A * Is this pet on any supplements? All supplements must be in the original packaging and be labeled with your pet’s full name and the administration instructions. *NoYes – If yes, list each supplement, how much is given and how often below.List all supplements given. Type full name of the supplement, how much is given and how often. List each supplement separately with instructions. If no supplements please type N/A. * * Is your pet on flea medication? *YesNoEnter name of flea product used and when it was last given. If No – enter N/A *Are you bringing any toys? If you are bringing toys please have your pet's name on them. We are not responsible for any toys lost. *YesNoIf yes, please list toys and give a description of each toy. If No, enter N/A * Are you bringing your own food or using our food? Petsburgh supplies Science Diet sensitive stomach dry food and Iams canned chicken formula at no extra cost. (Prescription or specialty diets that may be used to treat gastrointestinal upset or poor appetite are not included with boarding and will be charged separately at our current retail rate.) *Bringing own foodUse Petsburgh’s foodIf we are feeding our food (Science Diet Sensitive Stomach dry) please tell us how you would like us to feed your pet. (Example: Give 2 cups dry in the Am and Pm). If not using our food enter N/A. *If you are boarding multiple pets together, do they need to be feed separately? If so, please write "Feed Separate" and let us know why they need fed separately. If not, write N/A *If you are bringing your own food, please list the name of the food, how much and how often you would like us to feed your pet. We feed using a measuring cup. (Example: Science Diet Adult food, give one cup am and pm). Please label all food with your pet’s first and last name. If you are not bringing your own food, type N/A.* *If your pet is not eating well, may we offer some of our moist or dry food? *YesNoCall me first Would you like your pet to be bathed or groomed before it goes home? The bath or groom will be done on the pick up date. If the pick up date is a Sunday and you would like a groom done, the groom will be done on Saturday. *Bath only (This includes a bath, blow dry, light brushing and a nail trim) (Saturday pick up is 8am-12pm only) Sunday pick up is 4-6pm only)Grooming (This includes a bath, hair cut, blow dry, brushing, ears wiped out and a nail trim) Instructions will be taken at time of drop off.I do not want a bath or a groomIf you are having a bath or groom done, please choose a pick up time for the day your pet is going home. If you are picking up on a Saturday, the bath/groom will be done by 11AM. If you are picking up on a Sunday, the bath/groom will be done before our 4PM to 6PM pickup hours. *12p (Does not apply to Saturday/Sunday)1pm – 2pm (Does not apply to Saturday/Sunday)2pm – 3pm (Does not apply to Saturday/Sunday)3pm – 4pm (Does not apply to Saturday/Sunday)After 4pm (Does not apply to Saturdays) (Sunday pick up 4-6pm only)I am picking up on a Saturday. The groom will be done by 11AM.I am picking up on a Sunday between 4PM and 6PM.No bath or groom. If you are having a bath only, what type of shampoo would you like us to use? If this does not apply to you, please select N/A *RegularMedicatedOatmealN/AIf you are having a bath only, would you like conditioner? If this does not apply to you, please select N/A *YesNoN/A Would you like any TLC's (play time) or Social Group Play? (Additional fees apply) *NoCuddle Time (dog or cat)Play Room Fun/Fetch (dog or cat)Pool Time (dog only/ summer time only)Social Group Play – 2 hours (This is only for dogs who have already passed an assessment)TLC (play time) – if you selected to have a TLC, how many did you want per day? *No TLCOne a dayTwo a dayEvery other dayMy dog is having Social Group PlayList dates for Social Group Play while boarding. If not applicable type N/A * * Would you like anything from our biscuit and treat bar? (Additional fees apply) *NoKong – For dogs onlyLight Baked Biscuits – For dogs onlyHypoallergenic Biscuits – For dogs onlyMeaty treats – For dogs onlyDental Treats – For dogs onlyPork Chomps – For dogs onlyCat Lean TreatsCat Dental TreatsCat Hypoallergenic TreatsBringing my own treats Are your pets boarding together? If so, list who is staying together. If not type N/A *If you are bringing your own treats, please type what kind, how many and how often to give them. Please write your pet's full name on the treat container/bag. If not bringing your own treats enter N/A *Biscuit Bar – How often? *NoOne time per dayTwo times per dayEvery other dayOne time during stayOther – will explain at time of check in Would you like a Text Update or Report card? (Please note: Texts and Report Cards are done as time is available and may not be performed during busy periods) *No – neitherYes – bothText onlyReport Card onlyIf wanting a text please enter the phone number to send the text to. Signature: Type full Name *Phone Number that we can reach you at while your pet is boarding *I understand that I must fill a Boarding Cage Card out for each pet that is boarding. *Only boarding one petI am boarding more than one pet and understand that I must fill out a Boarding Cage Card for each pet.Date: *Any other helpful notes:Submit